Xtreme Gravity's Laws of Physics 2013
Car Show, Car Crush, Camping and more!
Located at: Ashland County Fairgruonds (http://www.ashlandcountyfair.com)
2042 Claremont Avenue
Ashland, Ohio 44805
Show Admission: $15
Show Admission with Primative Camping: $25
Show Admission with Ful Hook Up Camp Site: $30
Admission covers car show, and all events!
Events include: Car Crush, Sledge Hammer Car, Car/Truck Limbo, Food Eating Contest, Hug Chug Contests and more!
Friday night camping available! No presale available, pay at time of arrival.
For more information go to http://www.xtremegravity.com/lawsofphysics.html
Xtreme Gravity, it's sponsors and vendors, are not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged property at our show.